Event Announcements

Log in or register and create your own events. All events are automatically linked to your employer profile, which you create free of charge when you register.

Event notes have no predefined duration and are published until the end of the event.

You can change the content of your event announcement at any time and, if you wish, also administer registrations via the uzhcareer.ch system.

Please make sure that the job title is gender neutral. We reserve the right to adapt the title according to our guidelines for gender-sensitive language (available in German only).



CHF 100.- per announcement

The following companies can advertise free of charge: 
Institutions of the Canton of Zurich and the City of Zurich; educational institutions not-for-profit or member of swissuniversities; NGOs/NPOs; start-ups in the first two years after founding.

Any Questions? Contact me

Sabina Marra

Corporate Services & Communication

+41 44 634 21 25
