Interview Sessions

This format allows you to conduct interviews directly on campus (location: UZH Career Services, Schönberggasse 15, Zurich).

During one-hour slots, the room and a reception service are provided. You can choose how many interviews you want to conduct during the one-hour slot. We recommend two to three interviews per slot, but shorter or longer interviews are also possible.

Advertising the interview session

You are responsible for advertising and reviewing the students' applications.

Please see here for step-by-step instructions (currently in German only) on how to set up your event on

The deadline for this is 10 Feb 2025, as we will go live with the program on 16 Feb 2025.

Students are strongly advised to apply for the interview slots. The step-by-step guide explains how to enter the interviews on the platform, which settings need to be made so that students can apply and how to accept or reject applicants.

On the day itself

Please be at UZH Career Services, Schönberggasse 15, Zurich, approx. 30 minutes before your interview appointment to set up. You will be welcomed and assisted by Valentina Liebermann or a deputy.

Give Valentina Liebermann (or representative) a list of the candidates you will see. She will accompany the students to be interviewed to the meeting room on time.




Questions? Contact me.

Daniela Gunz, Dr. sc. nat

Corporate Services & Project Lead UZH JobHub

+41 44 634 21 62